Derm Shield
* Leave the bandage on for up to 3 days, you can shower with it on but avoid soaking or swimming in any bodies of water as well as direct sunlight. You may form a plasma/ink filled sack under the bandage, it will temporarily be a dark patch over the tattoo. It will look gross but is completely normal. The sack will flatten, dry, and crackle by the last day, this is also normal. If your ink sack begins to leak or the bandage peels open leaving the tattoo exposed then completely remove it and do not re-bandage your tattoo.
* Remove the bandage. It is best to remove in the shower and in the same way you would remove a command strip, pull your skin tight and pull the bandage slowly parallel to your skin. When you remove the bandage you may see an imprint of your tattoo come off onto the bandage, this is just loose ink from the top layer of your skin and no ink or scabbing will be pulled from your actual tattoo due to the bandage. Wash your tattoo with unscented antibacterial soap and allow the tattoo to completely air dry. Once dried apply a thin layer of unscented water based lotion as needed. Continue to wash and moisturize your tattoo daily until the tattoo finishes peeling.
* A minimal amount of itchiness and some redness around the edge of the bandage is normal due to the adhesive. If the bandage is causing any blistering or hives then remove it, clean and dry your tattoo thoroughly, and follow the traditional healing instructions below instead.
* Your tattoo will have a scab and will peel the following days after taking off your bandage. Do not pick at or peel any scabbing that is happening on your tattoo as it will remove ink and damage your tattoo. If you do pick at the tattoo while it's healing your touch up will no longer be free.
* Once freshly peeled the tattooed skin will appear shiny, scaly/wrinkly, and feel dry for a few weeks before completely healing. Once it's healed completely it will look and feel like normal skin. Continuing to moisturize your tattoo after it peels will help this process along more smoothly.
* Some fallout can occur during the healing process, if you suspect this is the case please give your tattoo the entire 4-6 week healing process and then reach out to schedule a touch up.
Traditional Healing
* Take off wrapping after 1-2 hours after being tattooed and thoroughly clean the tattoo with unscented antibacterial soap, allow the tattoo to completely dry off.
* Do not re-wrap or re-bandage the tattoo.
* Avoid wearing tight fitting clothing that may irritate your tattoo as well as going anywhere your tattoo is at risk of coming into contact with any bacteria such as the gym. Avoid direct sunlight and swimming or soaking in any boy of water, showering is okay.
* Clean your tattoo with unscented antibacterial soap twice a day or throughout the day as needed and apply a thin layer of unscented water based lotion after washing or when the tattoo feels dry. Do not over lotion your tattoo as it will prolong healing and leave it prone to infection longer.
* When the scab forms and begins to peel do not pick or scratch at it as it will remove ink and damage your tattoo. If you do pick at the tattoo while it's healing your touch up will no longer be free.
* Once freshly peeled the tattooed skin will appear shiny, scaly, and feel dry for a few weeks before completely healing. Once it's healed completely it will look and feel like normal skin. It's crucial to continue moisturizing your tattoo once it peels.
* Some fallout can occur during the healing process, if you suspect this is the case please give your tattoo the entire 4-6 week healing process and then reach out to schedule a touch up.
Long Term Aftercare
* Always wear sunscreen or clothing to cover the area when going out in the sun to minimize fading.
* Always moisturize your tattoo and exfoliate the skin on a regular basis.
* If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to me via my contact page or direct email! *